Voodoo Love Spells Voodoo partner merger If you desire someones love, follow these love spell instructions: 1. Cast the spell during a waxing moon, preferably on Friday. Friday is dedicated to Venus, the Goddess of love, and the waxing moon favours attraction. In addition, the gods of love are called during the ritual: Venus, Erzulie, Maria Magdalena, Shiva…. You can further support the spell by scattering orange flowers or honey on the altar, which in many cultures represent the wedding. Other tools can be designed and incorporated into the ritual using your imagination: tarot card for Love, Rune Partnership, red or green candle, sandal wood etc. 2. Mold two puppets out of clay or sew them from white cloth- one of yourself and one of the loved one. Equip them with the characteristic features of the gender and fill them with some hair or fingernails when possible. More energy you dedicate to this, stronger it will be. voodoo love spell 3. Tie the puppets carefully (with loving care) together with a piece of rope or even better with a red or green sideband (choose the colour which represents for you the love). This symbolises unification of two people, or, the sexual act. Then, visualise strongly your relationship based on love and harmony. 4. After completing the ritual, wrap the dolls in a pink silk scarf as soon as possible and kept in a safe place. The ritual can be repeated (if necessary) several times. If the magic has been done in good faith and you promise Goddess to make your partner happy and satisfied, it should not take long to see the results.